Karen Ivany | Actor & Acting Instructor
Demo Creation
Reputable talent agencies require aspiring actors who have not yet earned professional credits to include a Demo in their submission packages.
A Demo is a short video recording to DEMONSTRATE an actor's potential for casting. Agents are also looking to see that you have adequate self-taping capabilities.
(A Highlight REEL is an edited montage of an actor's professional work
that has previously screened or aired.)
Creating a great Demo takes time and effort. You should be highlighting your very best work, showing agents your range & originality.
To land an agent, you must show you are ready to compete at a professional level against other actors in your age-range & BOOK roles!
If you are struggling to create a Demo, it may be a sign you need more training.
Demo Requirements;
No more than 3 minutes in length
2 contrasting SCREEN roles (no theatre monologues)
Roles must be within your age-range
No onstage footage of plays/musicals, sketch comedy or stand up
No self-wrtiten monologues
Scenes are better than monologues
Shot self-tape style (recording on phones is fine)
The most challenging part of creating a great Demo is finding the roles/scenes that will highlight your talent. I have a good database at my disposal, but I can't see into your heart! You must LOVE the roles & LOVE performing them! Search the content YOU watch & bring me your ideas...and sides or transciptoions of favourite scenes
to get started.
Three Step Process to Create a Great Demo:
Bring your ideas, sides, transciptions & I'll bring mine.
Once 2 contrasting roles are picked YOU need to rehearse with the selected scripts & ensure they are performed at approx. 1.5 minutes each.
Some script editing may need to be done.
2) REHEARSAL of 2 ROLES (2 hours)
I recommmend scheduling the rehearsal of your pieces very close to the time scheduled to record so that the notes & feedback are "fresh".
3 ) RECORD (2 hours)
For best results bring your own off-camera reader
so I can concentrate on coaching your performance.
FEE: $300+HST